Saturday 23 July 2011

Drug dealer mourns loss best client

Back To Dead           Based on the vast sales of past recordings on the demise of Presley, Lennon, Jackson and Amys preforming decline this seems to have being a good career move.

                                            One down  One to go

                                                 AMY'S FINAL PUBLIC APPEARANCE

Should we have a drink or two or three in her memory - three bottles each of finest Russian Vodka .
The rule seems to be if you are rich and famous and can afford to induldge 1000s a week on drugs then you are battling with addictions.

see Taki Mag link  ARTICLE we just lost another junkie


Anonymous said...

She is not really dead its just to get away from press intrusion. In a few months she will be sighted along with Elvis coming out of a Nevada Buger King.

Anonymous said...

She was a great singer who will be missed. You sick creep why not go on a camping holiday to Norway. Hope u get shot or eaten by a polar bear.