The British Royal Family may be a global brand for trade deals
However ,this is not an original thought, the Royal Family is a symbol of the nation given an illusion of continuity.
Some guy -Soren Kierkegrand pictured -once said their are two kinds of revolution the ones which change things and the unseen ones which just remove the meaning of something. A - Industrial Revolution /French Revolution B Mainly apostate Anglican Cof E which still has its Churches and Cathedrals but without meaning.
As the nation is diverted by the Royal show 1000s of mainly males from North africa are waiting in France to head for Eurostar ect . see www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1380706/
By the presence of so many millions of migrants from all over the globe England is ceasing to be a real nation -its meaning just a geographic entity..
Two years back Andrew Neather, adviser to Tony Blair told the Evening Standard, that the huge increase in immigration was to change English identity via multi-culturalism .He said it was a deliberate plan to open the UK to mass immigration but was never publicaly stated for fear it would alienate its core working class vote.
"At every stop children were getting on and off-they were of every ethnic and religious background.......How lucky you are said the visitor to live in a country where your children can grow up this way."
Queen Elizabeth 11 -2005 Christmas speech to the nation.
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