Maybe some fake or exaggerated Terrorist threat will be uncovered during the Olympics to help pass this legislation - as it will sell lots of papers will be easy for Government spinmasters to get it hyped. recently the serious organised crime agency- operation no doubt for some pay off from the music biz- closed down a music downloading site - for a day they left a message saying that anyone who had visited the site and downloaded music was open to prosecution and a jail sentence of up to ten years and they could all be traced by their IP address.
In the Sherlock Holmes story The Final Bow he created a fake German spy ring to ensnare enemy agents. Post revolution Russia's secret police created a fake anti-communist front The Trust to do the same. Maybe the security people could create a few entrapment web sites for Muslim "extremists" . Final thought in the 1950s the security services seemed to have employed quite a few communists. Do they have a non-discrimination policy and recruit Muslims to GCHQ and M15 -when any one of them could turn and become a double agent.
Off topic- Just how broke is Greece really ? See this short article
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