The lady pictured confronted , who suffered a sexual
assault while jogging in London Park , confronted Ken Clarke -not worth picturing. Of course the press
accused him of taking a soft line on justice. Maybe -but the media especially its liberal element say the BBC , Guardian , will not allow discussion of which migrants from which countries are statistically more often gangsters and rapists. Why not -?
women's attacker
Mohammed Kendeh was a serial sex assaulter of white women , among numerous other violent crimes. He was recommended for deportation but this was overruled by the late Judge Hodge -husband of Labour Minister Margret Hodge. Since then he has gone onto claim more victims -his victims are as so many English people also victims of the liberal death wish on what was our country. He was from Sierra Leone where rape is a national sport just google KEYWORDS;rape Sierra Leone. Ask yourself this question, we have a dangerous dogs act because its known statistical that some breeds are, the people who keep them think so to. How about a dangerous migrants act.
Just another quick google, you could do this every day in "inner cities" around what was England eg PCSO Jeffrey Opoku Bempah convicted a day back of sexual assault 13 year old white girl . Pictured is the recently convicted general of Croydons Don't Say Nothing Gang-yes he is from perpetual warzone Sierra Leone. Also pic of the DSN in action. A few days back a Tamil Gang clashed with Croydons Jaffna Boys, stabbings in Croydon High Street in daytime. Remember a week or so back the Kosovan gang having a daytime running battle in Trafalgar Square.
In ratio to population -which city has the most rapes is it London, New York, or Oslo.
Guess what its Oslo - down to the import of Muslims from North Africa.
Wonder what campaign group www.womenagainstrape.net
would say -about allowing males from countries where there are lots of rapes -into the UK.
Two Somalians where shot dead in Milton Keynes a few days back -this English town has some 10,000 Somalians
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