Go to Vdare.com and read this article- by Paul Craig Roberts called ; A Nobel Economist Says Globalism Is To Costly For Americans . It sets out how decades back Billionaires and others warned free trade with China would destroy the jobs and economy of America.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
UK Border Agency -how to keep track of visitors

Every year tens of thousands of visitors from certain countries have a short stay visa but then disapear and the UK Border agency is unable to trace them.
Yet a few years back during the Foot And Mouth Epidemic and with cases of BSE the authorities have been able to trace every cow from where it was born to wherever it ended up. Solution ever visitor to the UK from countries with high overstay rates is given their own personal cow< which is micro chipped and trackable on GPS> .
Burglar released for quality breeding -eugenics in action
Comic Relief -British Taxpayers Raise 8.5 Billion

Wow -doing something funny with your money -Good old Brits donate more as percentage of GDP 0.56 than any other nation- - as comparisons Germany as 0.38% of GDP -7.8 Billion , Italy 0.15% -1.9 Billion.
Its called Red Penis day on account of the world thinking we must be a bunch of pricks. Images of the fundraising red penis day .
We can all have a laugh as our aid money is seen at work, buying new Mercedes for grateful officials in an African state and a boaster rocket for the Indian space program.
Whats a mere 8.5 billion its just under three weeks of UK Government borrowing. Sort of like some TV viewer got caught up in a TV raise money marathon and donating via his maxed out credit card -then resorting to a cash before payday loan.
For Red Nose day some manufactures would donate every time you bought say a red nose milkshake , with red penis day every thing you buy has 20% vat so you can help contribute.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Human Rights Act -Romanian Vampires Can Stay In The UK

Another Triumph for -what Blair said was his greatest achievement -passing the Human rights act which means foreign born criminal's can not be deported and the rich & powerful can obtain super injunctions.
High Court Judge B.Stoker has ruled that under the act a colony of Romanian Vampires have the right to remain in the United Kingdom.
Due to the fact that A -they have a well founded fear of persecution in Romania eg during daylight rest periods having a wooden stake driven through their hearts.
B -They have established "family ties in the UK ." Having transformed several UK citizens into Vampires.
Note there has been some legal argument as to wither Vampires -real ones not metaphoric ones such as Romanian Gypsies on UK social benefits -are Human.
As the vampires are organic and are more mentally and physically alert then those in a persistent vegetative state as seen on the Jeremy Kyle show, they have been classified as Human. The judgement in this case will also apply to Kosavan Gorgons, Haitian Zombies and Lithuanian Lycanthrops.
Apart from adding to cultural enrichment it is hoped that the Vampire colony will be assimilated into the vibrant social life of the larger community. During the transition period it may be necessary to add vampire phobia to Islamphobia and Homophobia as a potential hate crime.
Note also pictured are those other Vampires of sorts =among many -Romanian Gypsies who make multiple benefit claims in the UK paying for lavish homes in Rumania. You can always tell an English Big Issue seller from a Romanian one as the English guy has docial dog on string and the Romanian is a women with a baby
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Does he fit the phase /term in dictionary -A Bondvillain ?

The super web site www.order-order.com , which reveled the names of all the super-injunctions , outed William Hague has this on its site. Lakshmi Mittal pictured has an inunction so secret that its aginst the law to even revel that he has.
He is the richest man
Friday, 20 May 2011
re my previous post -update

after i wrote it on yahoo.co.uk news comes a report of a police officer from Croydon being stabbed -the story has lots of public comments on - guess what most are speculating on the racial id of the trio arrested over this incident.
The officer pictured was stabbed in the stomach four times.
Readers comments on numerous web sites are guessing as to the ID profile of the trio held, and of course stating the obvious the misleading picture of hands holding knife in Police PR pic on london< Insert missing word> gang knife crime.
pictured above is the hoodrat Alister Gregson charged today with GBH -Why not attempted murder- and his father

The lady pictured confronted , who suffered a sexual assault while jogging in London Park , confronted Ken Clarke -not worth picturing. Of course the press accused him of taking a soft line on justice. Maybe -but the media especially its liberal element say the BBC , Guardian , will not allow discussion of which migrants from which countries are statistically more often gangsters and rapists. Why not -?
The women's attacker Mohammed Kendeh
Just another quick google, you could do this every day in "inner cities" around what was England eg PCSO Jeffrey Opoku Bempah convicted a day back of sexual assault 13 year old white girl . Pictured
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