Hi Christopher,
The Sci Fi films on my wanted DVD list are sort of called retro Sci Fi -that is more then anything they reflect the concerns of the time and thoughts about the future of the people in the respective decade they where made.
MOVIES the Tunnel, HG Wells Things To Come
The Science Museum recently run an exhibition on Dan Dare -1950s comic Brit Space pilot - and British science of the period. In the Disney MAGIC KINGDOM parks tomorrowland =originally set in the near future- kept going out of date. So in the US its now sort of themed around 1950s sci fi images. In the Paris park this sci -fi land is Discoverland themed around how Verne and others at the end of the 19th Century imagined the look of the future.
Before they came into existance sci-fi did not imagine DNA modification, PCs in the home or the internet. However the social Darwinists did think that one day there would be a showdown between the white and yallow race for domination of the planet.
See previous posts: First Chinaman On The Moon/ The World Shall Here From Me Again
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