Monday 2 August 2010

Enigmatic Lady - secrets & lies

Enigmatic Angelina August 1st Sunday Times -The real Angelina Jolie Biographer Andrew Morton unravels her secrets .

Only he does not -at the end of the long article he tells us why. Morton who wrote the famous biog of Diana, who secretly co-operated with it, revels that if a true biog of the worlds top earning actress, since the demise of Diana, she would sue in the UK courts. She and Brad only recently collected over NoW marriage prob story.

Morton also revels that his book about Tom Cruise and scientology can not be published in the UK.

Over a decade ago Cruising Tom -get the name- and then wife Nicola Kidmann collected some 1 million from the Daily Express over a story. They where not named in the article which was about a short gay actor and his bisexual taller wife.

The UK libel laws are so repressive and dreconian that libel tourists from all over the world come and sue in the UK courts if just a few copies of an offending text appear in the UK. The US is passing legislation to protect its citizens from UK court libel claims.

We never got to read the stuff about Maddonna, her terminations and violent relationships with men. Nor much of the wierd stuff about Angelina -her incestous relationship with her brother, drugs, S&M, self harming or suicide attempts - She once hired a contract killer to despatch her at a time unkowen to her. But cancelled. A situation along those lines has featured in TV movies -only with the " victim" being unable to cancel.

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