Time the near future - A sterling crises . A desperate situation . Economic collapse is only averted by financial support of the House of Saudi . Charles 111 heads the Islamic Kingdom of England.
note one : in 1985 Mohammed Al-fayed interceded on Prime Minister Margret Thatcher's behalf with the Sultan of Brunei. His keeping of foreign reserves in London averted a run on Sterling saving it going below a pound to a dollar.
note two : Charles 1, post civil war while in negotiations with Cromwell, secretly tried to raise a foreign army to retake the throne on his terms.
www.britainfirst.org/terrible-future/ has some dubious speculation but the current demographic figures can be classed as cause for concern.
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2674736/ ISIS map of Caliphate includes Spain but by mistake omits Birmingham.